It’s been quiet in here lately…

OK, I admit it. My 2015 (or was it 2016?) New Year’s resolution wasn’t one of my finest in terms of actually sticking to it, but watch this space… from October there will be more activity on this blog. I am delighted to be embarking on doctoral research at the University of Falmouth, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. I’ll be looking into the role of creative writing as community arts practice and whether a group of people can work together to write a novel that has its roots in the place and community where they live. And – crucially – whether and how digital media can help.

That’s an interesting one for me, because I know that many of the people I work with in writing groups do not use digital media very much. Some do not have an email account or own a laptop or smart phone. It has little to do with age; some people simply prefer not to be online, or at least, not very much and not when they are doing something creative. In this new world of online writing forums, software and apps, how can we make sure that everyone is included, or do we need a hybrid approach that celebrates the physical action of putting ink to paper in the traditional way, and brings people together in real time and real space, alongside the resources that the digital media world has to offer?

I’m excited to explore the concept of ‘joined up writers’ and I’ll be blogging as I go on my merry way, back to school. See you in October.

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